The centre received the prestigious ICAR-NABGR (National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources) award for conserving the breed, which is now in its sixth generation.

KOZHIKODE: The All-India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) cell at Mannuthy under Kerala Veterinary and Animal Science University (KVASU) has won the national breed conservation award (2021) for the conservation of Thalassery breed, the only registered native chicken breed in the state, and research activities related to it.

The centre received the prestigious ICAR-NABGR (National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources) award for conserving the breed, which is now in its sixth generation. The centre had started the conservation of the breed — which was brought from Thalassery — seven years ago. “The Thalassery breed is unique for its low body and egg weight,  and long broodiness compared to other indigenous varieties. Its comb and wattles are characterised by red colour,” says Dr Suja C S, Assistant Professor at AICRP. 

The centre is now conserving the sixth generation of the breed — each generation having around 650-700 female and 150-200 male birds. After research and study and hatching of the new generation, the previous one will be culled. 

“As a result of the continuous monitoring of the Thalassery chicken breed — providing feed on time, taking vaccination etc — the birds begin laying eggs as early as five months and the annual egg production (per bird) has been increased to 160-170 now,” added Suja. For other indigenous types, the egg-laying period is six to eight months and annual production 70-80 eggs only.  

Thriveni — the new crossbred chicken variety developed at AICRP two weeks back — was a cross of Thalassery breed, White lagoon and Rhode Island Red. The centre has also initiated the genetic characterisation of Thalassery breed, which played an important role in the national award.  

The AICRP had started selling the hatched Thalassery chicks to the people from 2016 itself which means the breed would have presence beyond Thalassery. The research team is led by current Principal Investigator Dr Sankaralingam and the other members are Dr P Anitha, Dr Binoj Chacko, Dr Beena C Joseph and Dr S Harikrishnan, besides Suja.

Thalassery breed is unique for its low body  and egg weight and long broodiness compared to other indigenous varieties, says Dr Suja C S, assistant professor at AICRP